Africa - Botswana
Big game hunting & bird shooting
Botswana is big game country, big time. Bona Safari Services can organise big game hunting for sportsmen, from a variety of plains game (kudu, impala, warthog, gemsbok, eland, tsessebe, lechwe, wildebeest, zebra) to the greatest of them all, the African elephant.
The country has the largest elephant population of any country (around 130.000) and offers excellent elephant hunting possibilities: in the last couple of years a number of 70 and 80 pounders and a couple of 90 pounders have been taken in hunting concessions in the north of the country. One bull, taken in 2003, had tusks weighing in at just under 100 lbs. Somewhere out there there is a hundred-pounder waiting for some lucky sportsman….
For many sportsmen, the ultimate dangerous big game animal is the Cape Buffalo, and these magnificent trophy animals may be hunted in limited numbers in special concessions. So book early to secure your buffalo licence. We will be happy to advise you and place you with the very best professional hunters.
Guineafowl, francolin, duck/goose, dove and sandgrouse – we can organise great shooting for all of these. Generous bags allowed.
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